Adaure's story which she shared on instagram
"LongStoryButHereIsShortVersion He proposed on the spot we first met in fall 1999 by the volleyball court at Criage Hall dorm @UNCchapelHill...i started randomly and typically started smack talking with his then random college kid @wesballance who said to me "Girl I'm Gonna Marry You" ...and in dismissed him in a very Nigerian manner just thinking he was just joking around and flaterring me...really who says that on first meeting...in my head i was like #Hiss #AbegGuyComotForRoad. Lol. We became friends and hung out in the same crew. We went bar hopping on #FranklinStreet and a few games. I failed my first semester cos i was always hanging out with him and @kidkhome and the rugby boys at the pit in front of Lenoir Cafeteria. I had a crush on him and enjoyed his company and he had a crush on me but i was just too green in the romance department to read the signs and he thought i was the biggest #IceQueen #GoodyTwoShoe #TotalNigerianPrincess #AintGotTimeForThat.The biggest irony in this my not so simple love story is i ended up dating another guy with the same first name and he my french tutor. We moved on and graduated but stayed friends...Fast forward to Fall 2014 (Tell you what...immo skip that part for the wedding) and now here we are ������...i even got punked for the proposal so there is a hidden_surprise cam video by @dr_adeyanju #BestBirthdayEver
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