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  • NEW: "We hope that our children will be saved by a miracle," one father says
  • 162 passengers were aboard missing AirAsia Flight QZ8501
  • As families wait for news of the flight, they share details about their loved ones
  • A man who was about to be married, a biology teacher and missionaries were on the plane
(CNN) -- A man who was about to be married. Missionaries, a biology teacher and an energy executive. Families on vacation. Pilots with years of experience.

The lives of 162 people intersected Sunday on what was supposed to be a roughly two-hour AirAsia flight from Indonesia to Singapore.

Now their families are dealing with the likelihood all lives were lost, after Indonesian officials announced that there was a 95% chance debris found in a search zone on Tuesday belonged to Flight QZ8501.

Many family members were seen in tears as airline CEO Tony Fernandes tweeted his condolences: "My heart is filled with sadness... words cannot express how sorry I am."
Pilot's wife: I hope he will be back
Families shown shocking images of debris
Schoolchildren among missing passengers
The timeline of missing AirAsia jet

As they wait for confirmation of the fate of their loved ones, details are emerging about the lives of those on board. Here's what we know so far:

Donna Indah Nurwatie, Gusti Made Bobi Sidartha, Gusti Atu Putriyan Permata, Gusti Ayu Made Keish Putri

At first, Maria Endang Wirasmi didn't want to believe her family was on the plane. But as she read through the manifest, the 65-year-old says she came to terms with a devastating reality.

"First I saw my son-in-law's name. I didn't tell my husband, because I didn't want him to panic. It was only after I saw my daughter's name and my two granddaughters' names on the list that I told him," she said.

Now, she says she's dealing with the possibility that her loved ones didn't survive the crash.

"I know this is a big tragedy, but why did this happen to my daughter? I know everyone dies when it's time, but I believe in an afterlife, so my way to cope with my loss, I will pray more often and give this to God," she said.

Her husband, Imam Sampurno, said he was relieved the plane had been found.

"We hope that our children will be saved by a miracle," he said.

Sidartha, the couple's son-in-law, was a property developer in Indonesia, Channel News Asia reported. The family was on their way to Singapore for a vacation.

Alain Oktavianus Siauw

Louise Sidharta was heading to the airport to pick up her fiance when she heard the news: AirAsia Flight QZ8501 was missing.

Sunday night, surrounded by television cameras, she explained that Siauw was supposed to be enjoying a family vacation before the two got married. "It was to be his last vacation with his family," she said.

Siauw's Facebook page says he lives in Malang, a province in Indonesia.

Oei Jimmy Sentosa Winata, his wife, their 13-year-old son and 9-year-old daughter

At first, Oei Endang Sulsilowati wasn't worried, even when she heard a plane was missing. She knew her brother usually traveled with a different airline.

"Then someone told me that she saw his name on TV. Then I saw it," she said, weeping.

Now she says she's looking for information about her brother, his wife and the couple's two children.

"We don't know what to do," Sulsilowati said. "We are just waiting for news."

Choi Chi Man and his 2-year-old daughter
People on board AirAsia QZ8501

155 passengers total:

138 adults

16 children, 1 infant

7 crew total:

2 pilots

4 flight attendants

1 engineer

Passenger nationalities:

1 Singapore

1 Malaysia

3 South Korean

1 British

149 Indonesian

Crew nationalities:

1 French

6 Indonesian

British national Choi Chi Man was traveling on the plane with his 2-year-old daughter, Zoe, Indonesia-based Alstom Power said on Twitter.

He had just started a job as an executive there, The Independent reported. They were traveling on Flight QZ8501 because an earlier plane was full, the British newspaper said.

In his LinkedIn profile, former colleagues praised Choi for his experience in multicultural work environments, communicating well with people from different cultures.

Reggy Ardhi, Caroline Harwon Lioe, Marianne Claudia Ardhi, Michelle Clemency Ardhi and Jayden Cruz Ardhi

The Ardhi family was traveling together on the plane, planning to celebrate New Year's in Singapore, according to Yulia Wang, principal at Surabaya Cambridge School, where Jayden, Michelle and Marianne were students.

"It's hard to believe. Hopefully they're safe, but I don't know, we are just praying now," Wang said. "Everybody is praying, including their friends."

One student at the school, she said, tried to send a message to Marianne, asking her to turn on her GPS so she could be found.

There was no reply.

Raven Limadinata said he received a message from Michelle from inside Flight QZ8501 before it took off. Using the messaging app SnapChat, she sent a picture showing the plane's wing, along with the caption "bye Surabaya."

Limadinata and Michelle have been "best friends since we first met," he said.

"She doesn't talk a lot, but she is a smart girl," he said.

Yuni Astutik

Astutik, 40, had worked for years as a maid in Singapore

She returned to Indonesia to attend a wedding last month, Channel News Asia reported, citing an employment agent who had traveled to the airport to give Astutik her work permit.

Park Seong Beom

A missionary who had been teaching Korean and computer skills in Indonesia, Park Seong Beom, his wife and their 11-month-old baby were on the flight, heading to Singapore to renew visas, Channel News Asia reported.

Before their arrival in Indonesia in September, they had been missionaries in Cambodia for four years.

"He had good local contacts and helped poor people in need," Kim Jong Heon, a spokesman for Park's church in the South Korean fishing village of Yeosu, told Channel News Asia. "He was always thinking about how to meet more locals and eventually left the country to be a lay minister."

Florentina Maria Widodo

Andy Chen told Channel News Asia that his girlfriend, a biology teacher, was on the missing plane.

Pilot Captain Iriyanto

A veteran of the skies, Iriyanto had more than 20,000 flying hours under his belt, 6,100 of which were with AirAsia on the Airbus 320.

He was an F-16 fighter jet pilot with the Indonesian Air Force and retired early to become a commercial airline pilot, the Jakarta Post reported.

In his spare time, he was a member of a motorcycle club, according to media reports. Pictures on Facebook show the captain posing with a motorcycle.

A post on a social media account thought to belong to the pilot's daughter, Angela Anggi Ranastianis, reads: "Dad, please come home, I still need you. Please return, Dad. Dad, come home Dad. You have to come home."

Iriyanto's wife, Rr. Widiya Sukati Putri, said she wanted to know where he was.

"I hope as his wife, he will be back well and alive. The children still need a father, I still also need guidance from a husband," she said. "He's a good husband in my eyes and he's a faithful husband, a great husband. I can't name all his qualities."

The family, which lives in Indonesia, had recently suffered a loss. The captain's younger brother died of diabetes just days ago.

"I want my son to come back, alive and well," his father, Suwarto, told the BBC. "But if that's not meant to be, if God doesn't want that, it's in the hands of fate."

First Pilot Remi Emmanuel Plesel

The plane's 46-year-old co-pilot originally hailed from the French Caribbean island of Martinique.

"Since his childhood, he wanted to be an airplane pilot," said his mother, Rolande Plesel, according to Le Parisien.

His mother told media there that she had gotten a call from his girlfriend on Sunday with news of the missing flight.

He studied in Paris, according to French media, and had worked as an engineer for the Total oil company, but left to pursue his dream of becoming a pilot, Martinique 1ère reported.

The first officer had a total of 2,275 flying hours with AirAsia Indonesia. He was the president of a French pilot association.

He'd been working as a pilot in Indonesia for three years, Le Parisien said, and he called his family in Martinique before each flight.

On Saturday, he called them on his iPad, looking at all the family's Christmas decorations from afar.


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