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You’re in big trouble if you’re consuming sodas way more than water.  We know that they are full of caffeine and sugar and will definitely affect your health if taken in large quantity.  Today, we will give you some tips on how you will convince yourself in avoiding sodas from use.

It is most important that you identify the reason why you are dependent on them. Could be the caffeine and sugar which are both highly addictive, or because it can give you enough energy to outdo stressful days.
First thing is that you have to acknowledge and accept the fact that carbonated drinks are not healthy and are harmful for you.

Do this gradually

Like what most people in any addictive substance or habit, you have to stop gradually.  Although many people can almost immediately stop the use of carbonated beverages, others have to work that out step by step. For them it would be best to first cast one, possibly two glasses of soda from use and replace amount with the same or greater amount of a healthier beverage.  Support system are very important in this stage.  Refrain from being with the persons who enjoys sodas in their meal.

Replace cup of soda with a cup of Joe

If you want a painless way to stop the use of sodas, it is best to do this by replacing sodas with a cup of coffee, a good one, to prevent headaches and other symptoms caused due to lack of caffeine. If you do not drink coffee, green or black teas are the best alternative.   You can enjoy the tea with some fruit flavour, like Green Tea and Cranberry from Twinings.

Increase Sugar intake

It’s the sweetness of the soda that makes it palatable.  So why not increase the sugar in your coffee or tea.  This is the best way, during the initial stage; you do not have a crisis moment when you run out of soda.  Then once you’re used to it, gradually decrease the amount since you know it could also contribute to spike up your sugar levels.

Grab a protein-rich breakfast

If you want to enter the desired level of caffeine in your body, it is best to do this so that you will have a breakfast meal that is rich in protein, because it will sustain your energy on a very high level. It is best to be eggs, which are rich in protein, which will increase the level of serotonin in your body.

Drink lots of water

Load yourself with water, makes you feel full thus decreasing the urge to get some unhealthy beverage plus of course it is beneficial for you too.  You can also try to add a little lemon juice, or watermelon to give it a little twist and the sweetness you’ve been enjoying with other beverages.


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