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10 Unclear Biblical Characters No One Can Explain
The canonical Bible consists of many enigmatic characters that leave many people in a flutter. Many of them just pop in the scene, play a small part, indulge in activities, and then fade away. It leaves everyone in a confusion as to what really occurred. They are not only cryptic but also unexplainable. Here is a list of 10 Unclear Biblical Characters No One Can Explain. 10. Melchizedek
10 Unclear Biblical Characters No One Can Explain
A priest king of Salem, Melchizedek, during the time of Abraham, wanted a religious organization filled with culture and hierarchy. He is only included in one passage and is referred to in various other psalms. Many people believe that Melchizedek is Noah’s son. Many believed him to have traits that were later transferred to Christ. Some people even believe him as one of the greatest prophets. The character is undoubtedly confusing but is kind of interesting.
9. Cain’s Wife
Cain’s Wife
As per genesis, Cain was the first human ever born. He later killed his younger brother in a fit. The lord cursed him and his farms and he spent his life as a fugitive. But later in the book revelation are made that he is well settled and has a better half. Who his wife was? How did he find her in a world which consisted of only one family is something no one can explain.
8. Joseph Barsabbas
Joseph Barsabbas
After Judas sold out his boss, many Jesus disciples rushed to get a spot in the 12. The left disciples looked over at about 120 disciples who could fill the spot. Then the cast lots process began to choose the one. The man who was lost was Joseph Barsabbas. There is little detail about him in the canonical bible which leaves room for a lot of speculation.
7. The Beloved Disciple
The Beloved Disciple
The gospel of John has referred to on a lot of occasions about the disciple who Jesus loved. He is said to be there during the last supper, the crucifixion, and the resurrection. But there is little explanation regarding the identity of this man. John the Apostle can be ruled out since none of the apostles were there at the crucifixion.
6. Simon Magus
 Simon Magus
Simony is the term for selling church privileges. Named after Simon Magus, Simon was a magician who converted to Christianity. Some texts talk about his natural ability to fly and he acted as the leader of his town. Many people referred that his conversion was for money making and not for spiritual purposes. He even asked for spiritual ecstacy in exchange for money. Many believe him as founder of Gnosticism.
5. Onan
Abraham’s grandson Judah’s younger son was Onan. Judah’s elder son’s name was Er (yes, just er). Er was killed by the father since he seemed wicked. After his death, Onan had to marry his brother’s widow due to customs. But Onan didn’t want to do it since maybe she wasn’t his type. God was not pleased with his intentions and thus decided to slew him. No one is quite sure of what happened thereafter.
4. Nicodemus
Nicodemus was a member of some Jewish clad. But he became a friend and follower of Jesus Christ. He is referred to three times in the Gospel of John. He has been referred as a defender of Jesus Christ till his last days. Thereafter the death of Jesus Christ, he becomes a follower as he helped in the burial of Jesus Christ.
3. James the Just
 James the Just
After Paul and Peter, John the Just is the most apostolic person in Church’s legacy. He is also believed as Jesus’ younger brother since Jesus has been said to have siblings. There is no doubt over his existence although James was such a common name that his real identity is unsure. Many people believe that Christ asked John to continue Christianity post his death. Many suggest him to be Jesus’ cousin but the real facts are still unknown.
2. Simon the Zealot
Simon the Zealot
No other of the 12 disciples is as mysterious as Simon the Zealot. Some believe that he was a political adviser within Jesus’ inner circle propagating the fact that Jesus had a political plan. But most people think that Simon was given the name due to his godly devotion and not because of his political acumen. In some places it is written that he was a brother or cousin to Christ. The truth still remains unsure. Many people say that he could convert water into wine.
1. Og
Simon the Zealot
Many history books propagate the existence of a race of dangerous species known as Nephilim. One of the most referred part of this race was Og. He was the king of Bashan and was murdered along with his whole force. Many times the Og has been referred in the canonical bible but still no relevant explanation regarding their existence prevails. Even the Jewish tradition acknowledges Og’s existence.


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