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Mainly caused by gingivitis and a chipped tooth, an abscessed tooth is an infection between the gums or in tooth’s root, which is very painful. It forms the pus inside the tooth and causes toothache. Bacteria enter in an abscessed tooth and multiply, spreading infection in the bone, which supports the tooth. If not treated on time, it may result in severe life-threatening hitches. The pain caused by abscessed tooth is unbearable and to prevent this kind of pain, people try many things, and end up having more pain. If you are also suffering from this gum disease, we will tell you the dos and don’ts. Firstly, you’ll need to recognize the symptoms and causes.

Causes of Abscessed Tooth
The following causes increases the risk of an abscessed tooth:
Gum disease
Poor oral hygiene
Weak immune system
Chipped tooth
Dental infection
Taking carbohydrates and sticky food in a large amount

Symptoms of Abscessed Tooth
The sign of an abscessed tooth includes:
Aching in the infected area when you grab a bite
Sensitive teeth
Discharge of foul tasting fluid in the mouth
Bad breath
Redness and soreness in the gums
Feeling unwell
Difficulty in opening the mouth
Swelling in the affected area
Swelling on the face
Experiencing unexpected toothaches
Difficulty in swallowing something
If you are also experiencing any of these signs, take a close look at your tooth and take its treatment soon.

Home Remedies for an Abscessed Tooth
You will find almost everything in your kitchen to cure an abscessed tooth at home. The following home remedies will give you instant tooth relief.

1. Garlic
Garlic is a natural bacteria killer. The juice of raw garlic helps to kill the infection. If you are experiencing a really bad toothache, here is what you can do. Take a raw garlic clove. Crush and squeeze it to get the juice from it. Now, apply the juice on the infected area. This home remedy works like a charm in toothaches.

2. Clove Oil
Clove oil also helps to kill the infection and works great in toothache and gum diseases. Take some clove oil and brush with the oil gently. You have to be more careful when applying it on the infected area. Do not use too much pressure or you will feel more pain. Apply some part of clove oil and massage gently onto your gums.

3. Oil Pulling
This is a very helpful home remedy. All you need is coconut oil. Take 1 tablespoon of coconut oil and move it in your mouth. Do not swallow it; just slush it for like 30 minutes or so. Then spit it out and rinse your mouth. You will surely feel relieved.

4. Peppermint Oil
Peppermint oil works like a miracle in the toothache. Take some oil on your finger tips and massage with it gently on the infected area. You will feel instant relief in tooth pain, caused due to an abscessed tooth.

5. Salt
Salt is a really great remedy if you are looking for a quick pain reliever. All you require to do is just mix a small amount of salt into a glass full of lukewarm water and gargle with this water. In first few washes, you will experience pain, but then, you will feel some relief. Do it a few times and your pain will be reduced to 90%.

6. Tea Bag
Tea bag is another natural home remedy. Apply the herbal tea bag on the affected area. This remedy will provide you an instant relief from the pain, caused as a result of the abscessed tooth.

7. Oregano Oil
The oil of oregano has proven to be anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-oxidant, and anti-viral. Oregano oil is a very effective home remedy, especially for tooth and gum diseases.

8. Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)
Apple cider vinegar is another very effective home remedy for an abscessed tooth. Natural or organic ACV works great. Take a tablespoon of ACV. Keep it in your mouth for a few minutes and then spit it out. Do not swallow it. This will help to disinfect the affected area. This will also help in decreasing the swelling, which appeared due to an abscessed tooth.

9. Antibiotics
Antibiotics are another option to cure abscessed tooth at home. Ibuprofen alleviates the pain and also helps to get rid of swelling. Paracetamol is also an effective pain relieving medicine. Amoxicillin is a good antibiotic mostly recommended by the doctors.
Note: Do not use hot water or hot fluids and ice packs as they will increase the intensity of pain.

10. Echinacea
You can take Echinacea internally as a tincture or tea. You can also put Echinacea powder on the abscessed tooth.

11. Goldenseal
Apply goldenseal powder on the affected tooth. It will help in getting rid of the problem.

Homeopathic Treatment for Abscessed Tooth
These homeopathic remedies will help to heal the abscessed tooth.

1. Belladonna
Belladonna is a homeopathic remedy, which helps to cure throbbing pain and redness, occurred due to an abscessed tooth.

2. Silicea
Silicea is a good remedy for draining the pus.

3. Hepar sulphuris
Hepar sulphuris is consumed when abscessed tooth is accompained with pus.

4. Bryonia
Bryonia is given to relieve the pain.

5. Myristica
Myristica is given to treat the swelled areas.

6. Pulsatilla
Pulsatilla is given when the patient experiences sensitive tooth.
Other recommended homeopathic cures are pyrogenium, nux vomica, and antimonium crudum.

How to Prevent an Abscessed Tooth?
•Take proper care of your mouth. Spend a little more time in cleaning your gums. Brush thrice a day.
•Floss twice a day. Many flavoured floss are available in markets, so buy your most favourite flavour and start using it.
•Avoid chewing too much gum.
•Use anti-microbial mouthwash to diminish infection.
•Stop using tobacco and give up the habit of smoking.
•Take a healthy diet.
•Limit the consumption of the sugary items.
•Buy toothbrush according to your gums.
•Brush your teeth gently. Do not use too much force; otherwise, the gums will start bleeding
These tips will help you to prevent not only abscessed tooth, but also any other gum diseases.


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